Benefits to Waterproofing Your Commercial Roof

The fact of the matter is water gets on roofs and can often cause damage. These repairs can be costly and time consuming, but there is another solution. Waterproofing commercial roofs is a less invasive option and offers quite a few benefits.

Save Money

To start with, you won’t have to worry about repairing water damage, which can be extremely expensive. Getting your roof replaced is one of the costliest items a building faces, so taking preventative measures can make a big difference.

Energy Efficient

You won’t just save money on roof repairs; your energy bill will be lower as well. Waterproofing actually increases the efficiency of your building because it helps close off places where moisture and air leak through.

Easier Maintenance

Roofs that are waterproofed typically require less maintenance. When you do need repairs, they are usually easier and less expensive.

Decreased Temperatures

Waterproofing helps with heat absorption. After waterproofing, you will probably find that your building stays cooler and less humid. This is because waterproofing prevents excess moisture from entering your building. When your building is less humid, you will find that it feels cooler and more comfortable.


Certain weather conditions can cause extensive damage to your roof. Waterproofing can help prevent a lot of that damage, which allows for your roof to last much longer. Roofs that are not waterproofed tend to develop cracks and have shrinkage in the materials that lead to the roof needing to be replaced or repaired.

Easy Installation

Waterproofing your commercial building is not as difficult as you might think. You will actually be able to keep your business open during the work with minimal problems. Having a new roof installed is more time consuming and disruptive in the long run.

If you are ready to take the next step and waterproof your commercial roof, contact State Roofing by calling [company_phone] or sending an email to With over 50 years of experience, we can help you with your roofing needs.

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