What Are the Benefits of Gutter Protection Systems?

Many people consider gutter protection systems as mere accessories, but their benefits speak otherwise; it’s a wonder that they’re not made a standard part of every new gutter system. In today’s post, local home improvement company State Roofing discusses how gutter protection systems benefit your home.

gutter protection system

How Do Gutter Protection Systems Work?

Standard gutters are made with open-faced gutter troughs that catch rainwater as it falls from the roof edge. While this design works as intended, it also catches things that are not meant to be in the gutters, such as leaves, twigs and other debris, which can result in clogged gutters if not cleaned regularly. 

Gutter protection systems installed on top of the gutters to prevent debris from making their way in. Gutter protection comes in many forms. Some are called “gutter covers” because they form a solid top that sheds leaves to ground-level areas like outdoor decks for easy cleaning. Others function like a sieve and stop debris on top for later cleaning. Others still, like Leaf Terminator®, work like a combination of both.

The Benefits of Gutter Protection Systems

Gutter protection systems help keep rainwater flowing into the gutters and keep everything else out of it. There are two main benefits that they provide:

They Keep the Gutters Clear — Gutter protection systems help keep the gutters at full efficiency. This helps protect your home from the problems caused by overflowing gutters, such as damage to the house foundations, ice dams, and water infiltration at the roof’s edge. Gutters are sized to handle high amounts of rainwater, which they can’t do if they’re clogged. If you happen to have a rainwater collection system, gutter protection systems can help you collect clean water at a faster rate.

It Helps Reduce Maintenance Requirements — Residential gutter systems require cleaning and maintenance at least twice a year. If you elect to clean the gutters yourself, this means you’ll have to go through all the trouble of scooping all that detritus from the gutters, flush out the rest, apply caulk to the joints and seams, maybe even recoat it to prevent corrosion.

A gutter protection system eliminates the need for all of this, because there’s nothing to scoop out and no scratches made by sharp twigs. If you usually hire professionals to clean your gutters, a gutter protection system can save you the cost of frequent cleaning and maintenance appointments.

State Roofing is your leading provider of decks and gutter systems. Give us a call at (360) 794-7164. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve customers in Seattle and Tacoma, WA.

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