What Can Unexpectedly Increase the Cost of Your New Roof?

A roof replacement is a major home improvement project, so you will want to carefully prepare a budget for it. The budget can help you determine how much to set aside to get the job done. But no matter how well you do your research, your roofing contractor may uncover unexpected factors that can affect your roof replacement costs. We highlight some of them here.

Cost of Your New Roof

Mold and Leaks

Mold, leaks and other signs of moisture damage can affect your roof replacement project. Before installing your new shingles, your roofer needs to remove mold or mildew and address roof leaks. In some situations, leaks can go unnoticed until the shingles are removed during a roof replacement. These leaks can cause all kinds of damage, including rotten plywood. The material and labor cost to remove mold and replace rotten plywood can increase the overall cost of your project.

Water Traps Due to Poor Design

As with leaks, water traps may not be obvious until the old roofing materials are torn off. These areas are prone to leaks because of runoff areas that direct too much water to one place. In addition to leaks, water traps can also damage your shingles and other materials such as siding and trim. If your contractor finds signs of water traps, the cost to eliminate them will be added to your roof replacement. 

Roof Upgrades and Alterations

If you are replacing your roof to increase the resale value of your home, you may consider investing in upgrades and alterations. These include low-maintenance gutters or durable roof underlayment. Either way, these will cost money, which is why you should include them in your roof estimate. If you incorporate the cost of the alterations later on, your roof replacement expense will increase as you received an estimate based on standard roofing.

Code Noncompliance 

Your roof may have been built to meet decades-old building codes that no longer apply today. If so, you will need to spend extra money to bring your roof up to code during the replacement. These building codes ensure the public’s safety and prevent damage. If your roof is noncompliant, your local government may fine you. 

When it comes to roof replacement, trust State Roofing. Rest assured that our residential roof installation professionals are determined to assist you with your needs. Call us today at (360) 794-7164 or fill out our online contact form to set an appointment. We serve homeowners in and around Seattle, WA.

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