Asphalt Shingles Blister: Causes and Prevention

roofing contractor deals with a variety of roofing concerns when responding to flat roof repair requests. Blow-offs, ponding water, roof leaks, and dampness are among the most prevalent. Roof blistering is another common problem that flat and low-sloped roofs face, but it is less well-known. 

Asphalt Shingles

But why do asphalt shingle roofs blister, and what can be done to prevent or remedy the problem? In this piece, we’ll look at how to decipher the issue so you can avoid costly repairs and roof failure.

  1. Trapped Moisture

Blisters will form on a roof if moisture is trapped in the shingle during the manufacturing process. The moisture trapped in the shingle rises to the top as the sun heats it, causing blisters on your roof.

  1. Insufficient Ventilation

Inadequate ventilation is the most typical cause. The temperature of your roof and attic will rise if there isn’t enough ventilation. Blisters can form if the shingles are exposed to too much heat.

  1. Poor Workmanship

Roof blistering is caused by improper installation. Wrinkles, leaks, and blisters can occur if roofing materials are not loosened or put at the proper temperature. These concerns raise the risk of structural damage and shorten the roof’s lifespan. Ensure that the roofer you pick is well-trained and has excellent installation abilities.

  1. Unbearable Heat 

Extremely high temperatures will eventually take their toll on the materials used in roofing.

How to Prevent Asphalt Shingle Blisters

Choosing quality asphalt shingles for a new roof can help reduce blisters by preventing blister bursting. Blisters should dissolve after the vapors condense or the moisture evaporates, inflicting little serious damage to the roof. Blisters might pop from little impacts or stepping on them while inspecting a roof.

You must address attic ventilation. Broken shingles can be replaced, but if the root cause isn’t addressed, the problem will reoccur. Many homes have inadequate attic ventilation. If your attic isn’t ventilated, your home may have damaged insulation, overheated interiors and high summer energy bills. Ice dams and structural damage from trapped heat and moisture are possible. Your roof should feature ridge vents in addition to eave vents for efficient ventilation. If you need a new roof, be sure it has sufficient attic ventilation.

Need help dealing with cracked or split shingles in your roof? We’re here for you. State Roofing is the leading roofing company in Seattle, WA. You can call us at (360) 732-8104 or fill out this contact form to request a quote. We serve home and business owners in Tacoma and Kirkland, WA.

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