Why Should You Know Your Roof’s Age

If you have plans in the near future to buy a new home, or to replace your existing roofing system, you should know the roof’s age beforehand. You should also find out what kind of restoration or renovation projects were done to the prospective home you’re eyeing. Doing this lets you know if the home is ready for occupancy, or if you need to fix some things before moving in. State Roofing, one of the area’s top roofing companies, shares our insight here.

Roof’s Age

Importance of Knowing Your Roof’s Age

It’s important to know your roof’s exact age since it indicates whether you should have your roof repaired or replaced instead. You can get a rough estimate of your roof’s age by checking the status of the flashing or the shingles. If you notice signs of curling or buckling from the ground floor, then you can have it repaired. If you notice major signs of damage, such as holes or penetration, then you should have your roof replaced.

Discerning Your Roof’s Exact Age

Your roofing contractor will tell you that the home’s previous owners should have a record of all the renovations done to their home. This should answer all of your questions, such as how frequently the home is maintained, when the roof was installed, and when it was last inspected. You can check the building permit as well by going to the local county government office.

If the receipt or documents were lost, you can still ask which roofing company handled the construction. You can ask the company directly for the records of the home you’re inspecting. This allows you to see all the important information that will allow you to see if you need to have the roof repaired or replaced.

State Roofing is one of Western Washington’s most experienced roofing companies, boasting over 50 years of experience. We offer a wide range of professional roofing services and roofing options, including asphalt shingles and metal roofing panels.  To request a free estimate, call us at (360) 794-7164 or leave us a message here. We serve homeowners in Tacoma, Kirkland and Seattle, WA, as well as the surrounding communities. 

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